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Taking Inventory of Collaboration Skills

Submitted by Shannon Wheatley Hartman & Jack Byrd Jr.

This activity introduces key collaborative discussion skills and invites participants to reflect upon their own skill development. Participants have the option of working in small groups to support one another in skill development. The survey can also help facilitators support individual or group needs.

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Learning Goals

  • Develop awareness of collaborative discussion skills.

  • Self-evaluate collaborative discussion skills.


Set Up: Prepare for the Activity

Invite participants to evaluate their collaboration discussion skills using the Taking Inventory of Collaborative Discussion Skills Questionnaire.

Step One: Share Group Assessment of Collaborative Discussion Skills (10 min)

If participants completed the survey in advance, share the group’s assessment of their skills (do not share individual results). Share the major areas of strengths and areas for growth. Share this visually on the board or screen so that they can use it as a reference point for later. Then, move to Step Three.

If participants did not complete the digital survey in advance, then distribute hard copies of the Taking Inventory of Collaborative Discussion Skills Worksheet. Follow the directions. Participants will be asked to assess their skills. Describe each category:

  • F – Fulfillment: You are completely satisfied with your abilities.

  • C – Comfort: You feel confident in your abilities but wouldn’t mind working on refinement.

  • D – Developing: You recognize this is an area of growth and welcome the opportunity to improve.

  • L – Lacking: You recognize a deficiency, but you are not yet comfortable developing this skill and/or do not believe it to be valuable at this time.

Step Two: Develop a Composite View of Assessments (10 min)

In small groups (3-4 ppl), ask participants to review their worksheets together to get a sense of where the group feels like it has strengths (Fs and Cs) and where there is room for growth (Ds and Ls).

Step Three: Identify Areas for Growth and Support (20 min)

In small groups (3-4 ppl), invite individuals to identify 3-4 skills that they would like to improve. Explore how the group might help support growth in the respective growth areas. Save these support statements using the Collaborative Discussion Skills Growth Commitment Worksheet.

Step Four: Debrief as a Full Group (10 min)

Possible prompts:

  • As a group, which collaborative discussion skills do we seem to be the most comfortable expressing?

  • As a group, where do we see the most room for growth? Why do you think this is?

  • During our time together, how might we refer to our commitment worksheets?





Introduction to Collaborative Discussion

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average rating is 5 out of 5

September 10, 2023 at 10:37:24 PM

average rating is 5 out of 5

September 10, 2023 at 10:16:24 PM

average rating is 5 out of 5

September 10, 2023 at 12:44:35 PM

average rating is 5 out of 5

Shannon Wheatley Hartman

December 7, 2022 at 6:46:46 PM

Use this as pre-class or pre-workshop preparation! These self-evaluations will help teachers or facilitators to better understand the starting point of each participant and an aggregate view of the group. The survey results are shared only with the instructor/facilitator. This is a really helpful resource (and you can modify the survey to fit your needs).

average rating is 5 out of 5


November 29, 2022 at 1:44:34 AM

Activity 1.7 is provides a useful inventory of collaborative discussion skills. It can be used to bring awareness to your skill level as you begin and to keep track of your progress as you move through this toolkit of activities.

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